Bar & Bat Mitsva

Dans la tradition juive, les cérémonies de Bar et Bat Mitzvah symbolisent le passage à l’âge adulte. Cette étape d’entrée dans la vie adulte marque le moment où les jeunes Juifs sont censés devenir des membres actifs de la communauté juive et accepter les lois et les traditions de la Torah.

La Division de l’éducation à l’étranger du Département de l’éducation du KKL-JNF dirige un programme unique de Bar et de Bat Mitzvah qui connecte les jeunes juifs du monde entier à leur identité juive et à la terre et au peuple d’Israël. Celui-ci souligne la valeur de l’État d’Israël comme le foyer de tous les Juifs du monde, quel que soit leur niveau d’observation ou d’implication dans la vie juive. À la fin de ce parcours d’une année, les participants se rendent en Israël pour célébrer leur Bar ou Bat Mitzvah à Jérusalem.

Programmes du Département de l’Éducation en Diaspora

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Voyages pour les Bné Mitsva

Voyages pour les Bné Mitsva

Les Voyages du KKL-JNF pour les Bné Mitsva sont conçus spécialement pour les familles juives de Diaspora, qui ne sont pas affiliées à la communauté. Ce programme est destiné aux jeunes

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Apprentissage en Ligne

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Bar and Bat Mitzvah 101: History, Ceremony & Contemporary Issues

Bar and Bat Mitzvah 101: History, Ceremony & Contemporary Issues

This informative article provides an overview of the Jewish rite of passage for 12- and 13-year-olds, including the origins of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and how ceremonies, rituals and celebrations have developed

What to Expect at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah

What to Expect at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah

This short animated video provides guests with some basic information about what to expect at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah and how to navigate this traditional Jewish coming of age ceremony. It

Entering Adulthood: The Spiritual Significance of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah

Entering Adulthood: The Spiritual Significance of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah

This thoughtful article from gives parents tips on how to transform the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration from a fun party to a meaningful and inspiring spiritual milestone. A profound exploration of the deep

Tefillin: A Primer

Tefillin: A Primer

This thorough article from outlines everything you need to know about tefillin, or phylacteries, the ritual prayer object worn during weekday morning prayer services. Rabbi Shraga Simmons provides an overview of the

The History & Evolution of the Bat Mitzvah

The History & Evolution of the Bat Mitzvah

This excerpt from A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven by Renewal Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow provides a survey of the modern historical development of the Bat Mitzvah celebration. He shows

The Bar Mitzvah as a Milestone for Engagement and Accountability

The Bar Mitzvah as a Milestone for Engagement and Accountability

In this short video, Dr. Rachael Turkienicz introduces the Bar Mitzvah coming of age ritual in Judaism, with an emphasis on encouraging young adults to become contributing members of the community,

How the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Child Participates in the Service

How the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Child Participates in the Service

This informative article briefly describes the different roles bar/bat mitzvah celebrants may take on in the service, depending on his/her abilities, as well as the norms of the community. Although it has become

The Parents’ Role in a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Service

The Parents’ Role in a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Service

This informative article by Conservative Rabbi Daniel Kohn  provides an overview of the parents’ role in a Bar/Bat Mitzvah service, presenting the ways in which the ceremony and the synagogue worship service

The Laws of Bar Mitzvah

The Laws of Bar Mitzvah

This informative article, written by Rabbi Aryeh Citron of, presents many of the Jewish laws associated with planning a Bar Mitzvah or becoming a Bar Mitzvah boy, from an Orthodox

Humanistic Judaism’s Approach to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Humanistic Judaism’s Approach to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This introductory article from the Society for Humanistic Judaism explains when, how and why traditional coming-of-age rituals are celebrated in the Humanistic community. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah is celebrated at 13

Today I Am a Man: Thoughts on Contemporary Male Identity for Bar Mitzvah Boys

Today I Am a Man: Thoughts on Contemporary Male Identity for Bar Mitzvah Boys

In this thought-provoking article, Rabbi Daniel S. Brenner explores what it means to be a Jewish man in contemporary American society, encouraging parents and educators to introduce Bar Mitzvah boys to some

What Non-Jews Should Know About a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

What Non-Jews Should Know About a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

An appendix from the book « Putting God on the Guest List: How to Reclaim the Spiritual Meaning of Your Child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah, » this 3 page article is written

Reform Bar/Bat Mitzvah FAQ

Reform Bar/Bat Mitzvah FAQ

This thorough article answers many Frequently Asked Questions about the Bar/Bat Mitzvah coming-of-age ritual, including questions about the origins and developments of the custom as well as how it is

What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

This informative article by Rabbi Peretz Rodman provides a thorough introduction to the Haftarah, the weekly reading from the Prophets often recited by the Bar/Bat Mitzvah boy/girl. This resource is from MyJewishLearning, an

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide

This 7 page long guide from outlines everything you need to know about the Jewish coming-of-age ceremony. Rabbi Shraga Simmons introduces the rituals of the synagogue ceremony and reception, provides meaningful

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Basics

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Basics

This introductory article from Judaism 101 explains the Bar/Bat Mitzvah basics, including an explanation of the terms, the meaning behind this Jewish milestone, and an explanation of the various religious and cultural

A Bat Mitzvah Girl Describes the Jewish Rite of Passage

A Bat Mitzvah Girl Describes the Jewish Rite of Passage

In this introductory video, 12-year old Emily describes her recent Bat Mitzvah at an Orthodox Synagogue, while comparing her experience with that of her friend, Ben, who just celebrated his Bar Mitzvah. She

Aliyah 101: What You Should Know Before Being Called to the Torah

Aliyah 101: What You Should Know Before Being Called to the Torah

Perfect for beginners, this comprehensive article by Ronald L. Eisenberg explains everything you need to know about the ritual of getting called up to the Torah. The author describes the entire process

Baruch Shepetarani: Traditional Bar Mitzvah Blessing from Father

Baruch Shepetarani: Traditional Bar Mitzvah Blessing from Father

This post provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the ‘baruch shepetarani’ blessing, traditionally recited by fathers on the occasion of their son’s Bar Mitzvah, as well as a

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Elohim Hai: Moroccan Bar Mitzvah Piyut

Elohim Hai: Moroccan Bar Mitzvah Piyut

This 6:36 minute long video presents Rabbi David Kadoch singing two versions of a traditional liturgical Bar Mitzvah song, the first according to French Moroccan tradition, and the second (starting at 3:09)

Debbie Friedman: The World of Your Dreams (Andy’s Bar Mitzvah Song)

Debbie Friedman: The World of Your Dreams (Andy’s Bar Mitzvah Song)

This post presents the lyrics to « The World of Your Dreams (Andy’s Bar Mitzvah Song), » composed by beloved Jewish American singer-songwriter, Debbie Friedman. Based on Talmud, B’rachot 17a, this song is

Bat Mitzvah Girls Perform « L’Dor Vador » During « Passing the Scroll » Ceremony

Bat Mitzvah Girls Perform « L’Dor Vador » During « Passing the Scroll » Ceremony

This video presents two Bat Mitzvah girls performing « L’Dor Vador » (From Generation to Generation), a song composed by Josh Nelson as part of the « passing the Torah scroll » ceremony, in

Siman Tov U’Mazel Tov: A Jewish Celebration Song with Subtitles

Siman Tov U’Mazel Tov: A Jewish Celebration Song with Subtitles

This upbeat video presents the popular Israeli folk song « Siman Tov U’Mazel Tov » with an on-screen English transliteration of the Hebrew lyrics, which mean « A Good sign and Good luck! For us

Hava Nagila: A Jewish Celebration Song with Subtitles

Hava Nagila: A Jewish Celebration Song with Subtitles

This video presents the popular Israeli folk song « Hava Nagila » with an on-screen English transliteration of the Hebrew lyrics. Translated as « Let Us Rejoice, » this song is a staple at Jewish

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Quoi d’Autre ?

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Taking Up the Staff of Our Ancestors: A Bar/Bat Mitzvah Poem

Taking Up the Staff of Our Ancestors: A Bar/Bat Mitzvah Poem

This poem describes the « staff » of Jewish heritage being passed from generation to generation, from Biblical times until today. With an emphasis on the significance of Jewish continuity, the poet posits that

Parental Prayer for the Bat Mitzvah Girl

Parental Prayer for the Bat Mitzvah Girl

This post presents a poetic prayer recited by parents on the occasion of their daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, comprised of gratitude to God, praise for their daughter, and blessings and prayers for

The First American Bat Mitzvah: A Personal Account

The First American Bat Mitzvah: A Personal Account

In this article, Judith Kaplan Eisenstein shares a personal account of her Bat Mitzvah, the first Bat Mitzvah ceremony celebrated in America in 1922. The daughter of Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, the founder

Orthodox Bar Mitzvah Honoree List

Orthodox Bar Mitzvah Honoree List

This article from contains a list of all of the opportunities to honor family and friends during a Shabbat morning synagogue Bar Mitzvah service. With links to learn more about how

The Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah

The Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This article about the phenomenon of Jews celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs as adults presents some of the different reasons why one may not have undergone the coming-of-age rite as a

A Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah Workshop

A Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah Workshop

This link opens up a workshop for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers that involves text study, song, the creation of blessings, ritual, and tzedakah as a way to welcome

Remember Us: The Holocaust Bnai Mitzvah Project

Remember Us: The Holocaust Bnai Mitzvah Project

Remember Us: The Holocaust Bnai Mitzvah Project invites children preparing for their bar/bat mitzvah to connect with the memory of children lost in the Holocaust before they could be called to the

To Touch an Eternity: A Bar/Bat Mitzvah Poem

To Touch an Eternity: A Bar/Bat Mitzvah Poem

This poem describes the profound significance of the moment wherein the Bar/Bat Mitzvah boy/girl touches the strings of the ritual prayer shawl to the Torah scroll during the Torah reading ceremony, symbolically

The Voice of a Mother: A Prayer for the Bar Mitzvah Boy

The Voice of a Mother: A Prayer for the Bar Mitzvah Boy

This post presents an emotional prayer written by a mother on the occasion of her son’s Bar Mitzvah. A heartfelt plea to God, this prayer is comprised of gratitude, praise for both

The Lubavitcher Rebbe Blesses Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebrants

The Lubavitcher Rebbe Blesses Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebrants

This short video shows Bar/Bat Mitzvah boys and girls approaching Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson for blessings. Speaking in Hebrew, Yiddish and English, the Lubavitcher Rebbe of the Chabad Hasidic dynasty can

Bar Mitzvah Blessings from the Chief Rabbis of Israel (Video)

Bar Mitzvah Blessings from the Chief Rabbis of Israel (Video)

This site presents video blessings for Bar Mtizvah boys from the former Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief Rabbis of Israel, both of whom held these positions from 1993-2003. In a 3

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date Calculator

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date Calculator

This online tool from allows the user to enter his/her birth date and time to determine the date and corresponding Torah portion of his/her Bar/Bat Mitzvah. 

The Short Version of the Chabad Bar Mitzvah « Maamar »

The Short Version of the Chabad Bar Mitzvah « Maamar »

This link will open up an abbreviated version of a speech first recited by Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneersohn, the fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch on his Bar Mitzvah, and subsequently by his son

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ideas & Primer for Interfaith Families

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ideas & Primer for Interfaith Families

This 32 page booklet was designed by to help interfaith families navigate the process of planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony and celebration. It offers thorough information about the service, as well as

B’nei Mitzvah Tutor Resources: Hebrew Reference Materials for Download

B’nei Mitzvah Tutor Resources: Hebrew Reference Materials for Download

This website, aimed toward Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutors, offers scanned Hebrew references for the synagogue services, including the full text of central prayers and blessings and all of the Maftir and

Poetic B’nai Mitzvah Ceremony Reading

Poetic B’nai Mitzvah Ceremony Reading

This poetic reading takes the Bar/Bat Mitzvah boy/girl on a journey from the revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai until today – the milestone where s/he becomes a Jewish

Blessing the Parent/Caregiver(s) of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Blessing the Parent/Caregiver(s) of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This post presents a prayer to be recited for those who raised a Bar/Bat Mitzvah boy/girl, comprised of both original and traditional texts. One of the blessings is based on

The URJ’s B’nai Mitzvah Revolutions Innovations Guide

The URJ’s B’nai Mitzvah Revolutions Innovations Guide

This link will take you to the B’nai Mitzvah Revolutions Innovations Guide, a website highlighting Bar and Bat Mitzvah innovations that can be adapted by congregations. The Guide is organized

Toward a Meaningful Bat Mitzvah

Toward a Meaningful Bat Mitzvah

This link opens up Toward a Meaningful Bat Mitzvah, a 46 page booklet emphasizing the significance of encouraging young women to be involved in Judaism in profound and empowering ways, for the

Bar Mitzvah Etiquette Video: Religious Rituals & Dress Code

Bar Mitzvah Etiquette Video: Religious Rituals & Dress Code

This 13 minute long video from Temple B’rith Kodesh (Reform) explains the rituals and etiquette of Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies to parents, students, and guests. Ideal for those with little exposure to synagogue

Mother’s Prayer for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Upon Lighting Shabbat Candles

Mother’s Prayer for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Upon Lighting Shabbat Candles

This short English prayer is recited by a mother prior to blessing the candles on the Shabbat celebrating her son/daughter’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The time of lighting Shabbat candles is considering

Bat Mitzvah Candle-Lighting Ceremony Honoring the Matriarchs

Bat Mitzvah Candle-Lighting Ceremony Honoring the Matriarchs

This post presents the full text of a Bat Mitzvah candle lighting ceremony, in which the Bat Mitzvah girl calls upon female relatives to give blessings in honor of ancient

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Rituels et Cérémonies

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Bar/Bat Mitzvah Pledge

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Pledge

This post presents a pledge sometimes recited by the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrant in liberal communities, in which s/he commits to take on the responsibilities of an adult Jew, continue his/her Jewish

Baruch Shepetarani: Traditional Bar Mitzvah Blessing from Father

Baruch Shepetarani: Traditional Bar Mitzvah Blessing from Father

This post provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the ‘baruch shepetarani’ blessing, traditionally recited by fathers on the occasion of their son’s Bar Mitzvah, as well as a

Bat Mitzvah Candle-Lighting Ceremony Honoring the Matriarchs

Bat Mitzvah Candle-Lighting Ceremony Honoring the Matriarchs

This post presents the full text of a Bat Mitzvah candle lighting ceremony, in which the Bat Mitzvah girl calls upon female relatives to give blessings in honor of ancient

Passing the Torah Scroll Ceremony

Passing the Torah Scroll Ceremony

This 42 second long video presents an example of a typical « passing the scroll » ceremony, wherein the Torah scroll is symbolically passed from generation to generation, from the grandparents to the Bar/Bat

Reform Blessings Before & After the Reading of the Haftarah (Text & Audio)

Reform Blessings Before & After the Reading of the Haftarah (Text & Audio)

This post presents an audio recording and the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited before and after the reading of the haftarah in Reform congregations. The haftarah

Traditional Blessings Before & After Torah Reading

Traditional Blessings Before & After Torah Reading

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited before and after the Torah reading when called up for an aliyah, as well as audio recordings of

Torah Blessings for Interfaith Partners at Their Child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Torah Blessings for Interfaith Partners at Their Child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah

These blessings to be recited before and after the reading of the Torah were developed to honor parents of non-Jewish backgrounds at their child’s bar or bat mitzvah, but could be used

Reform Blessings Before & After the Reading of the Haftarah

Reform Blessings Before & After the Reading of the Haftarah

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited before and after the reading of the haftarah in Reform congregations. The haftarah is a selection from

Reform Blessing Before Placing Tallit on Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Reform Blessing Before Placing Tallit on Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This post presents a blessing to be said before placing the tallit (ritual prayer shawl) on the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, beginning with a brief introduction to the meaning behind the garment.

Hebrew Coming-of-Age Misheberakh Prayers

Hebrew Coming-of-Age Misheberakh Prayers

This post presents the Hebrew texts of four different coming-of-age Mi Sheberach prayers: traditional Bar Mitzvah, traditional Bat Mitzvah, 80 year old, and second Bar Mitzvah, sometimes celebrated 70 years after

Cup of Life Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony

Cup of Life Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony

This post presents an alternative to the candle-lighting ceremony for bat-mitzvah and bar-mitzvah celebrants, in which honored individuals each pour wine or grape juice representing an ingredient in the “recipe” for

Prayer Recited by a Bat Mitzvah Girl According to Italian Ritual

Prayer Recited by a Bat Mitzvah Girl According to Italian Ritual

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the prayer recited by the Bat Mitzvah girl, according to Italian ritual in Turin and Milan. During this ceremony, which

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Celebrant in the Florentine Tradition

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Celebrant in the Florentine Tradition

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the Mi Sheberach prayer for a Bat Mitzvah girl to be recited during the Torah reading service in synagogue, according

Blessing for Passing the Torah Scroll From Generation to Generation

Blessing for Passing the Torah Scroll From Generation to Generation

This blessing by Reconstructionist Rabbi Nina H. Mandel was written to be recited as part of a « passing the scroll » ceremony, wherein the Torah scroll is symbolically passed from generation to generation,

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Girl

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Girl

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the Mi Sheberach prayer for a Bat Mitzvah girl to be recited during the Torah reading service in synagogue. The

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Candle Lighting Ceremony

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Candle Lighting Ceremony

This article describes the Bar/Bat Mitzvah candle lighting ceremony, a popular North American ritual honoring those who have been significant influences in the life of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The author also

Traditional Text for the Blessing Over the Children

Traditional Text for the Blessing Over the Children

This post provides the traditional Hebrew, transliterated and English text for the blessings over sons and daughters traditionally recited on Friday night. This resource is perfect for someone who simply wants

A Traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall

A Traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall

This 7:40 minute long video presents highlights from a traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The Bar Mitzvah boy can be seen praying, reading from the

Bat Mitzvah Candle-Lighting Ceremony Honoring the Matriarchs

Bat Mitzvah Candle-Lighting Ceremony Honoring the Matriarchs

This post presents the full text of a Bat Mitzvah candle lighting ceremony, in which the Bat Mitzvah girl calls upon female relatives to give blessings in honor of ancient

Reform Blessings Before & After the Reading of the Haftarah (Text & Audio)

Reform Blessings Before & After the Reading of the Haftarah (Text & Audio)

This post presents an audio recording and the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited before and after the reading of the haftarah in Reform congregations. The haftarah

Prayer Recited by a Bat Mitzvah Girl According to Italian Ritual

Prayer Recited by a Bat Mitzvah Girl According to Italian Ritual

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the prayer recited by the Bat Mitzvah girl, according to Italian ritual in Turin and Milan. During this ceremony, which

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Celebrant in the Florentine Tradition

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Celebrant in the Florentine Tradition

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the Mi Sheberach prayer for a Bat Mitzvah girl to be recited during the Torah reading service in synagogue, according

Blessing for Passing the Torah Scroll From Generation to Generation

Blessing for Passing the Torah Scroll From Generation to Generation

This blessing by Reconstructionist Rabbi Nina H. Mandel was written to be recited as part of a « passing the scroll » ceremony, wherein the Torah scroll is symbolically passed from generation to generation,

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Girl

Misheberakh Prayer for a Bat Mitzvah Girl

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the Mi Sheberach prayer for a Bat Mitzvah girl to be recited during the Torah reading service in synagogue. The

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Candle Lighting Ceremony

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Candle Lighting Ceremony

This article describes the Bar/Bat Mitzvah candle lighting ceremony, a popular North American ritual honoring those who have been significant influences in the life of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The author also

Baruch Shepetarani: Traditional Bar Mitzvah Blessing from Father

Baruch Shepetarani: Traditional Bar Mitzvah Blessing from Father

This post provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated text for the ‘baruch shepetarani’ blessing, traditionally recited by fathers on the occasion of their son’s Bar Mitzvah, as well as a

Bar Mitzvah Etiquette Video: Religious Rituals & Dress Code

Bar Mitzvah Etiquette Video: Religious Rituals & Dress Code

This 13 minute long video from Temple B’rith Kodesh (Reform) explains the rituals and etiquette of Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies to parents, students, and guests. Ideal for those with little exposure to synagogue

Traditional Blessings Before & After Torah Reading

Traditional Blessings Before & After Torah Reading

This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the blessings recited before and after the Torah reading when called up for an aliyah, as well as audio recordings of

Learn the Blessings Before & After Reading the Torah with « Prayer-eoke »

Learn the Blessings Before & After Reading the Torah with « Prayer-eoke »

These two short videos demonstrate the singing of the blessings recited before and after the Torah reading, when called up for an aliyah. These videos with Hebrew and transliterated subtitles were created by

Traditional Text for the Blessing Over the Children

Traditional Text for the Blessing Over the Children

This post provides the traditional Hebrew, transliterated and English text for the blessings over sons and daughters traditionally recited on Friday night. This resource is perfect for someone who simply wants

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Découvrir les Pratiques Traditionnelles

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How To Put on Tefillin

How To Put on Tefillin

In this 4 minute long instructional video, Rabbi Steven Exler provides a step-by-step guide to putting on tefillin, or phylacteries, which are worn during the weekday morning prayer services. According to Orthodox

Learn the Blessings Before & After Reading the Torah with « Prayer-eoke »

Learn the Blessings Before & After Reading the Torah with « Prayer-eoke »

These two short videos demonstrate the singing of the blessings recited before and after the Torah reading, when called up for an aliyah. These videos with Hebrew and transliterated subtitles were created by

How to Create the Perfect Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speech

How to Create the Perfect Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speech

This online tool from provides all the tips and tricks you need to prepare the perfect Bar/Bat Mitzvah speech, from the warm-up joke to the final thank-you’s, and everything in between. All

12 Ways to Make Your Bat Mitzvah Meaningful

12 Ways to Make Your Bat Mitzvah Meaningful

This post suggests a list of 12 ways a Bat Mitzvah girl can make her Bat Mitzvah more meaningful, including Torah learning, taking on specific commandments, doing a community service

How to Have an Aliyah

How to Have an Aliyah

In this 4 minute long instructional video from, Rabbi Steven Exler explains and demonstrates what to do and say when being called up to the Torah for an aliyah,

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Trope, Blessings & Readings in Multiple Traditions

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Trope, Blessings & Readings in Multiple Traditions

This website is an excellent resource for Bar/Bat Mitzvah students looking to learn the traditional Orthodox tunes (trope), blessings and readings for the Torah and Haftarah readings during synagogue services. With

How to Plan a Special Needs Bar/Bat Mitzvah

How to Plan a Special Needs Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This important article provides tips to help parents, educators, rabbis and students work as a team to give children with special needs the opportunity to celebrate their bar/bat mitzvah successfully. Becca

What To Expect At Synagogue Services on Saturday Morning

What To Expect At Synagogue Services on Saturday Morning

This informative article by Conservative Rabbi Daniel Kohn  provides a guide for bar/bat mitzvah guests and other newcomers to Shabbat worship services, including explanations of what to wear and do, and a description of

How to Choose a Mitzvah Project for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

How to Choose a Mitzvah Project for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

This thorough article provides tips, suggestions and resources for adding a social action component to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration in a way that is both meaningful and relevant to the celebrant.

Learn to Recite Aliyah Blessings & Read Torah and Haftarah With Trope

Learn to Recite Aliyah Blessings & Read Torah and Haftarah With Trope

This interactive online tool from allows you to learn how to chant the traditional aliyah blessings, Torah portion and haftarah at your own pace with the click of a

Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Gift Guide

Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Gift Guide

This thorough article provides tips for how to choose a gift for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrant that is appropriate for the momentous occasion and also exciting for a 12 or 13

Pre-Bar-Mitzvah Checklist 

Pre-Bar-Mitzvah Checklist 

This post offers a basic checklist to assist in preparing for the religious aspects of a traditional Bar Mitzvah celebration, from choosing a date and coordinating with the synagogue to purchasing

Parent Blessings Handbook: How to Select, Personalize or Write Your Own

Parent Blessings Handbook: How to Select, Personalize or Write Your Own

This post contains a 7 page Parent Blessings Handbook designed to help the parents of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah select, personalize or write a meaningful blessing to be recited during the

Learn the Reform Blessings Before & After Reading the Haftarah with « Prayer-eoke »

Learn the Reform Blessings Before & After Reading the Haftarah with « Prayer-eoke »

These two short videos demonstrate the singing of the blessings recited before and after the reading of the haftarah in Reform congregations. The haftarah is a selection from the book of Prophets

Dance the Hora: How to do the Jewish Celebration Dance

Dance the Hora: How to do the Jewish Celebration Dance

This minute long animated video teachers viewers how to dance the « hora, » an ecstatic Israeli circle dance with roots in Eastern European folk tradition, common at Jewish weddings and Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. A useful introduction for

Bar Mitzvah Etiquette Video: Religious Rituals & Dress Code

Bar Mitzvah Etiquette Video: Religious Rituals & Dress Code

This 13 minute long video from Temple B’rith Kodesh (Reform) explains the rituals and etiquette of Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies to parents, students, and guests. Ideal for those with little exposure to synagogue

Learn the Blessings Before & After Reading the Torah with « Prayer-eoke »

Learn the Blessings Before & After Reading the Torah with « Prayer-eoke »

These two short videos demonstrate the singing of the blessings recited before and after the Torah reading, when called up for an aliyah. These videos with Hebrew and transliterated subtitles were created by

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