In this short yet informative video (03:39), Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald briefly explains each of the fifteen steps of the Passover seder in order. The steps are as follows:
Kadesh – sanctification of the day over wine
Urchatz – ritual handwashing with no blessing
Karpas – eating the green vegetable (symbolic of spring) dipped in salt water (symbolic of the tears of our enslaved ancestors)
Yachatz – breaking the middle matzah of the three matzot piled together – the larger half is reserved as the afikomen, eaten at the end of the meal
Maggid – telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt
Rachtzah – ritual handwashing with a blessing)
Motzi – blessing before eating matzah
Matzah – eating the matzah (the bread of affliction, symbolic of how quickly the Children of Israel left Egypt, symbolic of humility, and more)
Maror – eating the bitter herb, symbolic of the bitterness of slavery
Korech – « Hillel’s sandwich, » made of matzah, maror and charoset (symbolic of the mortar used by our ancestors in Egypt)
Shulchan Orech – eating the festive meal
Tzafun – eating the afikomen, symbolic of the Passover sacrifice
Barech – blessing after eating
Hallel – songs of praise
Nirtzah – conclusion, including the prayer for « Next Year in Jerusalem » and other songs