Bar Yochai: A Kabbalistic Piyyut

« Bar Yochai » is a kabbalistic piyyut (poem/hymn) which praises the lofty spiritual achievements of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the alleged author of the central work of Kabbalah, the Zohar. On Lag B’Omer, the anniversary of his death, tens of thousands of people flock to his burial site on Mount Meron in Northern Israel for a festival-like celebration with music, dancing, and bonfires. Composed in the 16th century by the Libyan Kabbalist, Rabbi Shimon Lavi, it is the most popular kabbalistic hymn, sung by many Jewish communities around the world on Lag B’Omer, and by some every Shabbat. Incorporating verses from the bible, rabbinical commentaries, and the Zohar, the song is divided into ten stanzas that describe how Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai ascended through each of the sephirot, the ten divine attributes through which God reveals Himself in the world. The chorus of the song can be seen below. This version of the song (06:43) includes onscreen Hebrew subtitles. To see the full English translation, see the description on YouTube

Bar Yochai, nimshachta ashrekha, shemen sasson mechaverekha
Bar Yochai – fortunate are you, anointed with joyous oil over and above your companions