This slideshow [00:48] from the Arava Tichona Regional Council provides a peek of the beautiful hiking trail, « Derech HaShalom, » opened in the 1990’s with the help of KKL-JNF Australia, Canada, and France. This 24-kilometer path stretches along the border between Israel and Jordan, through the Arava desert, and between the yishuvim Idan and Ein Yahav. (Please note that the video will open in a separate window.)
The trail is a testimony to the Israel-Jordan peace agreement signed in 1994, which brought peace and security to the region. As noted by the KKL-JNF website, the hiking path invites visitors to experience the desert « behind the scenes, » as they walk by agricultural fields, water reservoirs, the dramatic desert landscape, diverse wildlife, and various streams.
Image courtesy- Dr. Avishai Teicher, from PikiWiki – a collection of photographs of Israel**