This thought provoking and poetic prayer by Devon Spier explores the emotions of the moment before the revelation at Mount Sinai, and asks God to bless one with a personal revelation of the self. Devon Spier, a writer, rabbinical student and spiritual entrepreneur, shared her poem on Ritualwell, a project of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College that provides a platform for creating new Jewish practices and observances.
Revealing Torah, Revealing Me: A Prayer for Shavuot
There was thunder.
The sound of a horn beating.
A mountain and smoke billowing.
People trembling.
The Word arose from sight and sound.
To receive Torah was a moment.
But what of the moment prior?
In which our senses and primal feelings
Called out to G-d above.
Wanting to stay at a distance
But remaining firmly in place.
As if to say:
« I’m scared. »
« I’m ready. »
Reveal Torah.
And, with your blessing,
Reveal me.