This PDF document from the Conservative/Masorti New London Synagogue provides the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of some of the blessings recited throughout a Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony: the blessing recited upon donning the ‘tallit,’ the ‘shechicyanu’ blessing thanking God for bringing the family to such a joyous milestone, and several versions of ‘baruch shepetarani,’ the blessing releasing parents from their accountability for their now-adult children’s transgressions. Formulated by a Conservative synagogue, this document reflects the egalitarian values of the movement, such as the assumption that both girls and boys will be wearing a ‘tallit,’ as well as the various formulations of ‘baruch shepetarani’ over both girls and boys by both mothers and fathers. According to Orthodox tradition, this blessing is only recited by fathers in regards to their sons.
BM Blessings