Known as The Four Questions, « Ma Nishtanah » is one of the most well-known parts of the Passover seder, when the youngest person at the table traditionally asks what makes this night different from all other nights. Four answers are given in the Haggadah, as seen below.The above video is an original version of this song by Israeli artist, Gad Elbaz. The karaoke-style video below is intended to teach the traditional tune to children, with onscreen Hebrew, English and transliterated lyrics.
Why is this night different from all other nights?
On all other nights we eat leavened products and matzah, and on this night only matzah.
On all other nights we eat all vegetables, and on this night only bitter herbs.
On all other nights, we don’t dip our food even once, and on this night we dip twice.
On all other nights we eat sitting or reclining, and on this night we only recline.