This thorough excerpt from “Friday Night and Beyond” by Lori Palatnik begins with meaningful explanations as to why Kiddush is recited during the day on Shabbat. Great for beginners, this resource offers a practical how-to guide of the Orthodox Ashkenazi custom and pronunciation, complete with the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts, an audio recording of a popular tune, and personal reflections. Lori Palatnik is a writer, Jewish educator and the Founding Director of The Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project, an international initiative that brings thousands of women to Israel for inspirational trips.
Shabbat Morning Kiddush and Meal
In the dark and spiritual time of Friday night, it was easy to leave work and the hustle and bustle of the week behind us. But now it is daylight ― midday. How easy it would be to get up and do… how challenging it is to stay and continue the experience of Shabbat.
This special day is our sign. We are advertising that God created the world, and just as He stopped creating for one day, we stop creating for one day. To be like God, to emulate the Almighty, is to come close to His essence and to experience the ultimate in transcendence.
That is the sign between us and God.
Becoming a nation and being asked to be a « light » unto the other nations of the world means a certain responsibility. This « Jewish Sabbath » is one of the ways we fulfill this responsibility as we set an example of values that are eternal: family, community, and relationship to our Creator.
That is the sign between the Jewish people and the world.
And this sign, this banner, this billboard that we call Shabbat is up there to remind ourselves who we are as individuals; that we were created not just with body, but with soul. This special 24 hours is to get in touch with that truth and to use it to realize our potentials as unique beings.
In the light of day, the temptation to get back on that treadmill is there. Thus we stop and make kiddush once again. Yet, this time, we insert a wholly different idea from that of the previous night.
How To
- The Second Meal of Shabbat begins sometime after morning services at shul (approximately lunchtime).
- Kiddush is usually made in shul after the Morning Service. Be sure to hear the kiddush from whoever is reciting it (often the rabbi). Afterward, you should eat some cake or cookies equal in volume to a slice of bread.
- Kiddush can also be said at home prior to the « lunch » meal.
- The procedure for kiddush is more relaxed during the day than it is at night. The person making kiddush on behalf of others may either stand or sit (but be consistent from week to week). The others should do the same.
- Kiddush in the morning should be made on wine or grape juice. The amounts to be used and drunk are the same as on Friday night, except that others included in the blessing need not actually taste the wine, as long as a « meal » is eaten.
- After kiddush is said, the procedure is the same as the Friday night meal:
- Washing hands in preparation for eating the challah
- Ha-motzi blessing and eating of the challah
- Zemirot ― songs for Shabbat day
- Devar Torah ― words of Torah
- Grace after Meals
Text & Audio of Shabbat Morning Kiddush
Part 1
Ve-shameru venei Yisrael es ha-Shabbos, la’asos es ha-Shabbos le-doro’sam bris olam. Beini u-vein benei Yisrael os hee le-olam, ki sheishes yamim asa Adonoy es ha-shamayim ve-es ha-aretz uva-yom ha-shevi’i shavas va-yinafash.
The children of Israel should keep Shabbat, observing Shabbat throughout their generations, as an everlasting covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever, that in six days God made the heavens and the earth, and that on the seventh day He was finished and He rested.
Part 2
Zachor es yom ha-Shabbos le-kadesho. Sheishes yamim ta’avod ve-asisa kol melach’techa. Ve-yom ha-shevi’i Shabbos la’Adonoy Elohecha, lo ta’aseh chol melacha ata u-vincha u-vitecha avdecha va-amasecha vehem’techa ve-geirecha asher bi-she’arecha. Ki sheishes yamim asa Adonoy es ha-shamayim ve-es ha-aretz es ha-yam ve-es kol asher bam, va-yanach ba-yom ha-shevi’i.
Remember Shabbat to keep it holy. You should labor for six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is Shabbat for the Lord your God. You may not do any creative work ― neither you, your son, your daughter, your male or female worker, your animal, nor the stranger who dwells among you. Because it was in six days that God made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that they contain, and He rested on the seventh day.
Part 3
Al kein beirach Adonoy es yom ha-Shabbos va-yekadisheihu. Savri maranan ve-rabanan ve-rabosai: Baruch ata Adonoy, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei peri ha gafen. (Others: “Amen”)
Therefore God blessed Shabbat and made it holy. With the permission of the distinguished people present: Blessed are you God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. (Others: “Amen”)
I like the meal on Shabbat day because I’m so much more rested than on Friday night. Friday night is the end of a day of preparation, and the kids get tired in the evening. But Shabbat day we’ve all slept a little late, and everything’s already done, so it’s just a meal to enjoy.
* * *
I’m a bachelor, so Friday nights I have friends over for the meal, or go out to friends’ homes. I never used to put a lot of effort into the Shabbat day meal, because it was kind of a letdown from Friday night. Leftovers were served, and I didn’t even get dressed up.
But I’ve been changing, and I’ve tried to use the day as an opportunity to really make it Shabbat. So now I dress up, even if I’m alone, and I try and do some Jewish reading. By the end of Shabbat I try to read through the Torah portion in English.
It’s my only day that I can relax. My friends know not to phone, and the peace and quiet is priceless.
* * *
My Shabbat day meal is much simpler than Friday night. Usually I just make a big chollent, use cantaloupe as an appetizer, and cut up a salad. The chollent is like one big stew, so if my husband brings home surprise guests from shul, there’s no problem just setting some more places.
The atmosphere is also different. Friday night is much more formal, while Shabbat day is laid back and relaxed. The focus is much more on the kids during the day, because they’re not tired like the night before.
* * *
Friday night is so spiritual to me. It has that dark and deep quality to it that just infuses the atmosphere with meaning. It also reminds me of my childhood, because although we weren’t as traditional as I am now with my own family, we always had some sort of Friday night celebration.
Shabbat day is much more free and easy. Perhaps not as spiritual, but a lot more fun. The kids come home from shul all excited, and we have a tradition that before we begin the meal we sing and the girls dance in a little circle. It’s so cute.
At the table we usually have guests with kids and the focus is on the little ones. We ask them what they’ve been learning in school and try and make the Shabbat experience fun and meaningful for them on their level.
* * *
Friday night is so classy, with everything fresh and so in the spirit of Shabbos. I love the way the table looks with all the best china, crystal, and linen napkins. We always invite two or three couples over to share the evening with. It’s a « no kids » night, because for most of the year, the kids are in bed early.
Shabbat day is family. We invite friends with their children, and the meal and atmosphere are much more down-to-earth. I use disposable plates and napkins so it also makes cleanup a snap.