This link opens up the 2003 version of the UC-Berkeley Siddur for Shabbat. The Kabbalat Shabbat service (pages 1-19) includes some of the hymns and Psalms of the traditional service, together with contemporary writings, prayers, and poems, quotations from Jewish thinkers throughout history, and Talmudic and biblical passages that are not generally part of the service. Laid out to maximize the variations available to the service leader in choosing how he or she may like to lead a given service, this siddur is an excellent example of how one can use a wide variety of ancient and contemporary liturgy to create a service that is personally meaningful to a particular individual or community. Compiled by David Singer, this resource was originally created as part of Kesher, the now-defunct college outreach arm and campus student organization for Reform Judaism, and shared on the website of NFTY, the Reform Jewish Youth Movement.