This post introduces « MALACHIM Jewish Angel Cards, » each with an image and blessing, created by Deborah Eisenbach-Budner to be used during the ritual singing of « Shalom Aleichem » to welcome the ministering angels into the home on Friday nights. Eisenbach-Budner is a Jewish educator affiliated with the Reconstructionist movement who specializes in Jewish ritual innovation. This creative tool, which can be purchased online here, is relevant for anyone looking for a hands-on way to infuse their Shalom Aleichem ritual with more personal meaning and active participation.
The Evolving Tradition of MALACHIM Jewish Angel Cards
Malachim is the Hebrew word for messengers or angels. Each of the 40 MALACHIM Jewish Angel Cards has an artistic image and a blessing word in English, Hebrew, and transliteration on one side. They are 1×3 inches big, making it easy to hold the set or an individual card in your hand.
The tradition of MALACHIM began in a circle of friends in Jerusalem in the late 1980s. We sang the beloved song Shalom Aleichem to honor the beginning of Shabbat (the Sabbath), noting that the words of the song welcome the « messengers/angels of peace, » which are said to frequent the homes of those who celebrate Shabbat (Talmud, Tractate Shabbat, page 119a). I created a set of MALACHIM, messages, to accompany our singing.
Ways to enjoy MALACHIM Jewish Angel Cards
As with all good folk traditions, uses and understandings change over time. People use the MALACHIM for Shabbat, holidays, Rosh Hodesh (New Moon Celebrations), birthdays, personal reflection and meditation, and to deepen their knowledge of Judaism and Hebrew. Here are some ways that you might want to use them:
You can lay the MALACHIM face down, take a moment for personal reflection, or Kavannah (intention), and then randomly select a message. The malach/message might affirm, remind, or inspire you – or maybe it sparks a new understanding.
There is a tradition that we are given a neshama yetara (extra soul) on Shabbat so some people pick two at the beginning of Shabbat, after singing Shalom Aleichem.
You can pick from the MALACHIM during Havdallah, the ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat, to find a focus as you begin your new week.
Sometimes, in groups, people share how the message affirms, nudges, reminds, or inspires them (or doesn’t). Sometimes people keep it to themselves.
You can use the MALACHIM in families, in community, in solitude. Enjoy!