In this article from Israel National News, Netanel Izak relays the personal story of how he met a Guatemalan Christian on a trip to Taiwan who told him that his Church regards Israel and the Jewish people very highly. They proceeded to sing his favorite song, « Shalom Aleichem, » captured on video and shared below.
Guatemalan Christian sings ‘Shalom Aleichem’
While visiting Taiwan, Israeli Netanel Izak met a Guatemalan Christian who he said sings the traditional Jewish Shabbat song “Shalom Aleichem” in his church every Sunday.
“I have already been a part of an Israeli delegation to Taiwan for a week now, along with representatives of 22 other countries,” Izak wrote on Facebook this morning. “Today, a Christian man named Jose who lives in Guatemala came up to me and told me how highly in his country they regard the Jews in general, and Israel in particular.”
“So much so,” he continued, “that every Sunday in church they read a number of chapters of Psalms and sing songs from Jewish sources and, generally speaking, pray for the welfare of the State of Israel and the Jewish People.”
“His favorite song, by the way, is ‘Shalom Aleichem,’ with his original performance shown here.”