Israelis of Ethiopian Descent

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Discrimination Against Ethiopians in Israeli Society

Discrimination Against Ethiopians in Israeli Society

Produced following the July 2019 killing of Ethiopian-Israeli, Solomon Tekah, by an Israeli police officer, this i24NEWS segment (04:47) explores racism and discrimination against Israelis of Ethiopian descent in Israeli society.

Celebrating an Ancient Holiday in Modern-Day Jerusalem

Celebrating an Ancient Holiday in Modern-Day Jerusalem

The holiday of Sigd is an ancient celebration of Torah and of God’s covenant with the Jewish people. Having yearned for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel for generations upon

The Situation of Ethiopian Jews in Israel

The Situation of Ethiopian Jews in Israel

From the Jewish Virtual Library, this thorough article summarizes issues facing the Ethiopian community in Israel, including  demographics, income and employment, education, discrimination and the challenges facing immigrants. Despite significant socio-economic gaps

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