Theodor Herzl

Kits du Département de l’Éducation en Diaspora

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Mon Kit d’Activités sur les Projets Visionnaires : Dilemmes Sociaux, Moraux et Politiques

Mon Kit d’Activités sur les Projets Visionnaires : Dilemmes Sociaux, Moraux et Politiques

Cette activité de leadership de 95 minutes a été élaborée par le KKL-JNF, à l’intention des adolescents et des adultes. Les participants vont découvrir les projets visionnaires de dirigeants hors

The Story of KKL-JNF and of Israel

The Story of KKL-JNF and of Israel

In Hebrew with English subtitles, this animated film (01:14) tells the story of the founding of KKL-JNF, paralleled with the rise of Zionism and the establishment of the State of

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Apprentissage en Ligne

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The Hope: Theodor Herzl

The Hope: Theodor Herzl

During his lifetime, Theodor Herzl was called everything from a hero, to a dreamer, to a heretic, but his influence on the future of the Jewish people as the father

Theodor Herzl: The Zionist Dream of a Jewish State

Theodor Herzl: The Zionist Dream of a Jewish State

What is the connection between antisemitism and Zionism? Is Judaism a religion or a nationality? Is there a link between the ancient biblical yearning for the holy land and modern

Theodor Herzl: From Assimilationist to Zionist

Theodor Herzl: From Assimilationist to Zionist

This introductory video (03:02) tells the story of Theodor Herzl’s transformation from an assimilated Jew in Austria to the father of modern Political Zionism. After experiencing antisemitism as a child

The Story of KKL-JNF and of Israel

The Story of KKL-JNF and of Israel

In Hebrew with English subtitles, this animated film (01:14) tells the story of the founding of KKL-JNF, paralleled with the rise of Zionism and the establishment of the State of

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