
The Sanhedrin Train: An Interactive Hiking Trail Across the Galilee

The Sanhedrin Train: An Interactive Hiking Trail Across the Galilee

This video (07:17) introduces The Sanhedrin Trail, an interactive 70 km long path dedicated in honor of the State of Israel’s 70th birthday, celebrating the cultural heritage, nature, archaeology and

Usha: The First Seat of the Sanhedrin in the Galilee

Usha: The First Seat of the Sanhedrin in the Galilee

Produced by the Israel Antiquities Authority in Hebrew with English subtitles, this video (01:52) shares the significance of the archaeological remains of Usha, a Galilean village that became the first

Tzippori Forest: Israel during the Talmudic Period

Tzippori Forest: Israel during the Talmudic Period

From the website of KKL-JNF, this article introduces the history and features of the Tzippori Forest Scenic Trail, a 16 km path which runs along the Tziporri River in the