Israël et les Juifs de Diaspora
Bien que dispersé partout sur le globe depuis des milliers d’années, le peuple juif est resté une nation, où chaque communauté apporte son propre caractère unique au collectif. L’un des principaux objectifs de KKL-JNF est de renforcer les relations entre le peuple juif dans le monde entier, avec notamment des programmes qui permettent aux Juifs de la diaspora de se rendre en Israël et d’envoyer des représentants d’Israël pour travailler dans les différentes communautés juives.
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AJC 2018 Survey of American & Israeli Jewish Opinion
Through graphs and analyses, this article explores the findings of the AJC’s comparative 2018 surveys of Israeli and American Jews, revealing serious divisions in how the two communities relate to
70 Years of Israel-Diaspora Relations
Published by the Jewish People Policy Institute in 2018, this thorough report presents the findings of a structured dialogue process in Jewish communities throughout the world exploring 70 Years of Israel-Diaspora
The State of Israel-Diaspora Relations
In this i24 NEWS segment (07:10), Rabbi Seth Farber of ITIM, an organization that helps people navigate the religious authorities’ bureaucracy in Israel, discusses the tensions in the relationship between
Understanding the Israel Lobby: AIPAC & J Street
Posted by the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, this video (03:32) features Prof. Rogan Kersh, Professor of Public Policy at NYU Wagner, discussing AIPAC, J Street, and the current state of
How Israel’s Younger Voters Have Grown More Conservative
Written following the April 2019 elections, this article from the Jerusalem Post explores how young Israeli Jews have become more conservative over the years, especially in regards to issues of
Why Israel is Losing the Support of Millennial Jews in America
Produced by Neil Lazarus, Middle East Current Affairs Expert, this video (01:20) uses recent data to show how the Jewish State is losing the support of today’s young American liberal
Israel Through the Peoplehood Lens
Produced by the Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education, this animated video (02:00) explores the State of Israel through the lens of global Jewish Peoplehood, presenting it as a product of
Rethinking the Partnership Between Israel and World Jewry
Written by Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman of the Shalom Hartman Institute in 2008, this lengthy article looks at how the relationship between Israel and Jewish Diaspora communities has deteriorated as each one
Israeli Views of Diaspora Jewry: 2014 Survey Results
Published by the Israel Democracy Institute and the Jewish Media Summit, this 8 page long booklet presents the findings of a 2014 study conducted about Israeli views of Diaspora Jewry,
Together & Apart: Israeli Jews’ Views on their Relationship to American Jews and Religious Pluralism
This thorough 28 page long report presents the findings of the 2017 UJA-Federation’s survey of 2,050 Israeli Jews regarding the extent to which Israelis value the overall relationship with Diaspora
Jewish Values and Israel’s Use of Force in Armed Conflict: Perspectives from World Jewry
Published by the Jewish People Policy Institute in 2015, following Operation Protective Edge, this thorough report presents the findings of a structured dialogue process in more than 40 Jewish communities
Can American and Israeli Jews Stay Together as One People?
Written by Gil Troy and Natan Sharansky in Mosaic Magazine in July 2018, this thorough article offers an in-depth look at the strained relationship between Israeli and American Jewry, while
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#VoteDiaspora: A Campaign Encouraging Israelis to Consider Diaspora Jewry
Produced by Gesher, an NGO that works to bridge gaps among Jewish communities, this video (0:33) features young Jews from around the world urging Israeli voters to take the relationship
The J Street Challenge (Trailer)
This trailer (03:00) introduces « The J Street Challenge: The Seductive Allure of Peace in Our Time, » a documentary about the role of the controversial liberal organization in the American Jewish community.
Israel-Diaspora Couples Counseling Skit
This amateur skit (06:09) by the Israel Government Fellows staff at the Begin Center discusses the central issues of Israel-Diaspora Relations through a creative couples counselling session between a man and woman,
Israel & the Diaspora: We Need to Talk
Produced by The Jewish Federations of North America, this promotional video (0:33) invites people to join the 2018 General Assembly Conference, which brought Jewish leaders from around the world to discuss
Distant Relatives: Exploring Israel & Jewish American Relations
In this unique journalistic project, Makor Rishon correspondent Zvika Klein explores Israel and Jewish American relations through interviews with Israeli and American Jewish political, religious, cultural and community leaders from
Ministry of Diaspora Affairs: Creating a Common Jewish Future
Narrated by Naftali Bennett, Minister of Diaspora Affairs from 2013 to 2019, this animated video (02:12) describes Israel’s commitment to the future and prosperity of Jews around the world and the strengthening
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Shlomo Gronich: Israeli Song
This upbeat song by iconic Israeli artist Shlomo Gronich celebrates how Jews from all over the world contributed their unique cultures and traditions in the creation of a new Israeli
Ein Li Eretz Acheret / I Have No Other Country: An Iconic Zionist Song
Written by Israeli singer-songwriter Corinne Allal in 1989, during the First Intifada, this moving song, performed here by Gali Atari, expresses the eternal Jewish connection and commitment to the land and