La Nation Juive
The Jewish nation has a long history of achievements, but also difficulties and challenges. Our prosperity always resulted from our unity. KKL works to strengthen the connection between Israel and the Diaspora through educational activities in Israel and around the world.
Projets du KKL-JNF
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KKL-JNF Books of Honor
KKL-JNF invites you to join generations of Zionist visionaries in writing your own chapter in the story of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. By inscribing yourself or
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Souviens-Toi Toujours, Et N’oublie Jamais
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A Moving Story of a Holocaust Survivor’s Liberation from the Nazis
In this moving interview [02:21], Holocaust survivor Gerda Klein recalls her feelings upon being liberated from the Nazis. After six tortuous years, during which she prayed constantly for freedom, American
The Jewish Partisans in the Rudniki Forest
This article from Yad Vashem documents the story of « Yechiel’s Struggle Group, » a team of 70 Jewish partisan fighters from the Vilna Ghetto who came to live in and fight from
The Story of the Bielski Partisan Group
This brief documentary film [06:45] is published by the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation, an organization committed to educating youth about the Jewish partisans and the essential lessons to be learned
The Jewish Partisans of Eastern Europe: How They Survived in the Forest
The Jewish partisans in Eastern Europe faced constant struggle, fighting their enemies while also perpetually seeking food and shelter. In the following four brief documentaries, published by the Jewish Partisan Educational
Rare Color Footage of Pre-Holocaust Jewish Life
This an assemblage of color footage from Jewish life in the shtetl. The Yiddish term « shtetl » refers to the Jewish towns in Eastern Europe before World War II, which generally
German Jewish Life During the Rise of Nazism
As the Nazis rose to power and began excluding Jews from social and economic organizations, Jews found the need to establish their own. Roman Vishniac, an esteemed Jewish photography, was commissioned
Jewish Life in Liepaja, Latvia Before the Holocaust
In this interview [03:31] with Holocaust survivor Frieda Ende of Liepaja, Latvia, Ende provides anecdotes from her life before the Holocaust. She shares her memories of Passover Seders her family hosted,
Photography as a Form of Resistance Against the Nazis
Mendel Grossman, a Jewish photographer employed by the Department of Statistics in the Lodz Ghetto, was hired to photograph the factories in the ghetto and to take identification pictures. However, he risked his life
An Introduction to the Jewish Partisans of Eastern Europe
This informative documentary [06:36], published by the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation, briefly tells the story of the Jewish partisans during World War II. The Jewish partisans were comprised of 30,0000
Jewish Life Before the Holocaust
This informative documentary [04:37] published by Yad Vashem shows original footage of Jewish life before the Holocaust. It also includes texts from pre-war diary entries, notebooks, and letters of children’s
Itzhak Katzenelson: Accomplished Author, Dramatist, and Educator
Before the German occupation of Poland, Itzhak Katzenelson (1885-1944) contributed greatly to the vibrant Jewish culture in Lodz, Poland, through establishing a Jewish school, a Hebrew theater company, writing poetry,
The Moving Story of Janusz Korczak and the Dom Sierot Orphanage
This video [04:25], published by Yad Vashem, tells the moving story of Janusz Korczak (1878-1942), a Jewish pediatrician, author, and teacher, who headed the Dom Sierot orphanage for Jewish children
Mordechai Anielewicz and The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
This documentary [04:45] portrays the events of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, led by the 23-year-old Mordechai Anielewicz. Included in this film is an excerpt from Anielewicz’s last letter to Yitzchak
Testimonies from Survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
This film [08:28], produced by Yad Vashem, includes a compilation of testimonies from survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Most of the fighters in the Uprising were teens and young
Cultural Entertainment in the Warsaw Ghetto
Despite the horrendous living conditions in the Warsaw Ghetto, there were professional theaters featuring music and drama performances in both Polish and Yiddish. Some cafes and clubs even offered live performances
The Story Behind the Song Ani Ma’amin
This film [03:52], produced by Chabad of Venice, tells the moving story of cantor Azriel David Fastig’s composition of a new melody for « Ani Ma’amin, » while being transported to Treblinka in
The Mailman of the Warsaw Ghetto
This animated video [06:52], produced by Yad Vashem, portrays life in the Warsaw Ghetto from the unique perspective of the Jewish letter carrier, Peretz Opoczynski. Opoczynski contributed to the Oneg
The Sonderkommando Revolt in Auschwitz
In this interview [03:50], Dario Gabbai recalls his participation in the Sonderkommando revolt in Auschwitz-II Birkenau, on October 7, 1944. The Nazis forced the Jewish Sonderkommandos to undertake the hellish tasks of
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Apprentissage en Ligne
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KKL-JNF Books of Honor
KKL-JNF invites you to join generations of Zionist visionaries in writing your own chapter in the story of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. By inscribing yourself or
Ethiopian Israelis: Statistics, Goals & Challenges
From the website of the Ethiopian National Project, this article presents background information and facts about the Ethiopian community in Israel, including the challenges they face, and statistics about demographics,
The State of Israel-Diaspora Relations
In this i24 NEWS segment (07:10), Rabbi Seth Farber of ITIM, an organization that helps people navigate the religious authorities’ bureaucracy in Israel, discusses the tensions in the relationship between
70 Years of Israel-Diaspora Relations
Published by the Jewish People Policy Institute in 2018, this thorough report presents the findings of a structured dialogue process in Jewish communities throughout the world exploring 70 Years of Israel-Diaspora
Understanding the Israel Lobby: AIPAC & J Street
Posted by the Berman Jewish Policy Archive, this video (03:32) features Prof. Rogan Kersh, Professor of Public Policy at NYU Wagner, discussing AIPAC, J Street, and the current state of
How Israel’s Younger Voters Have Grown More Conservative
Written following the April 2019 elections, this article from the Jerusalem Post explores how young Israeli Jews have become more conservative over the years, especially in regards to issues of
Rethinking the Partnership Between Israel and World Jewry
Written by Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman of the Shalom Hartman Institute in 2008, this lengthy article looks at how the relationship between Israel and Jewish Diaspora communities has deteriorated as each one
Why Israel is Losing the Support of Millennial Jews in America
Produced by Neil Lazarus, Middle East Current Affairs Expert, this video (01:20) uses recent data to show how the Jewish State is losing the support of today’s young American liberal
Israel Through the Peoplehood Lens
Produced by the Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education, this animated video (02:00) explores the State of Israel through the lens of global Jewish Peoplehood, presenting it as a product of
Israeli Views of Diaspora Jewry: 2014 Survey Results
Published by the Israel Democracy Institute and the Jewish Media Summit, this 8 page long booklet presents the findings of a 2014 study conducted about Israeli views of Diaspora Jewry,
Together & Apart: Israeli Jews’ Views on their Relationship to American Jews and Religious Pluralism
This thorough 28 page long report presents the findings of the 2017 UJA-Federation’s survey of 2,050 Israeli Jews regarding the extent to which Israelis value the overall relationship with Diaspora
AJC 2018 Survey of American & Israeli Jewish Opinion
Through graphs and analyses, this article explores the findings of the AJC’s comparative 2018 surveys of Israeli and American Jews, revealing serious divisions in how the two communities relate to
Jewish Values and Israel’s Use of Force in Armed Conflict: Perspectives from World Jewry
Published by the Jewish People Policy Institute in 2015, following Operation Protective Edge, this thorough report presents the findings of a structured dialogue process in more than 40 Jewish communities
Can American and Israeli Jews Stay Together as One People?
Written by Gil Troy and Natan Sharansky in Mosaic Magazine in July 2018, this thorough article offers an in-depth look at the strained relationship between Israeli and American Jewry, while
Excerpts from « American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society »
This post presents the first two chapters of « American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Postethnic Society » by Shaul Magid. The first chapter is entitled « Be the Jew You Make:
The Conflicting Visions of Four Main Sectors of Israeli Society
In this fascinating article by Prof. Yedidia Stern, Vice President of the Israel Democracy Institute, the author outlines the character and vision of four major ideological groups in Israeli society: the secular
Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie: America, Israel, and the Perfect Jewish Democracy
Produced by Hiddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, this short video (03:22) presents an interview with Israeli-American educator, writer and performance artist, Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie, in which he speaks about about the
2018 Israel Religion & State Index
Put together by Hiddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, this 29-page document presents the findings of the 2018 Israel Religion & State Index, exploring complex issues of Israel’s identity as a Jewish
Is Israel the Nation-State or Religious State of the Jewish People?
Produced by the Israel Democracy Institute, this video (02:05) features Yair Sheleg exploring how the ultra-Orthodox monopoly over religious life in Israel has led to a growing rift between Israeli and Diaspora Jewry. He describes the
Liberal Judaism in Israel
This introductory article presents the attitudes toward the liberal Reform and Conservative/Masorti streams of Judaism in both official status and public opinion in Israel. After outlining the basic institutions of
An American Jewish Educator’s Journey into the World of Israeli Secular Torah Study
In this personal account, American Jewish educator, Rabbi David Kasher, describes the growing world of secular Israeli organizations devoted to Torah study. He compares American Jewish religious pluralism and Israeli
Israel’s Religiously Divided Society
Produced by Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about global trends, this thorough video (19:01) provides insight into Israel’s polarized society, exploring the different ways in which
Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood
Published by the Diaspora Museum, this booklet, entitled Gateways to Jewish Peoplehood, explores the national nonphysical assets of the Jewish people, including Jewish creation and creativity throughout the ages, the world of
Why So Many « Generation 1.5 » Immigrants from the Soviet Union Are Leaving Israel
According to a recent study, 20% of the children who moved to Israel in the early nineties from the Former Soviet Union – known in academia as « Generation 1.5 » – have
Tusovkas: The Social & Cultural Seclusion of Generation 1.5 Russians in Israel
Known as « Generation 1.5, » those who immigrated to Israel from the Former Soviet Union as adolescents in the 1990s had a unique experience, with its own set of cultural and
In Search of Israeli Cuisine
This trailer (05:17) provides a taste of the 2016 award-winning documentary « In Search of Israeli Cuisine, » which presents a portrait of the complexity of the Israeli people through their diverse
A Taste of Ethiopia in Jerusalem
As part of a tour of Jerusalem’s famous Machane Yehudah outdoor market, this video (07:33) brings viewers to an Ethiopian store in the center of Jerusalem that brings traditional Ethiopian
Traditional Eastern European Jewish Food in Israel
Featuring Jewish food expert, Joan Nathan, this video (01:59) gives viewers a taste of traditional Jewish delicacies from Eastern Europe at an eatery in the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak.
Moroccan Cuisine in Israel
Produced by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this video (02:26) highlights Moroccan cuisine in Israel, visiting restaurants that specialize in the ethnic food that has become so deeply integrated
Models of Cultural Absorption in Israeli Society
Israel’s population is culturally and ethnically diverse, thanks to large immigrant waves from every corner of the world, each with its own challenges and successes. This thorough article from the Israel
The Challenges Facing Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel
Produced to mark the 20th anniversary of Operation Solomon, the covert mission in which almost 15,000 Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel in 36 hours in 1991, this video (03:19)
The Ethiopian Jews of Israel: Background & Contributions
This video (03:52) provides a basic introduction to the origins and history of Ethiopia’s Jewish community, their mass aliyah to Israel beginning in the 1980s, and their integration into Israeli
The Profile and Experiences of Israel’s French Community
From the website of Bar Ilan University’s Alumni, this article examines the profile and experiences of Israel’s recent wave of French immigrants. Largely fleeing France due to a rise in anti-Semitism.
The Life & Contributions of Natan Sharansky
In this inspiring video (04:54) from the Jewish Agency for Israel, Natan Sharansky summarizes his fascinating life story and his career of commitment to the Jewish people all over the world.
MK Ksenia Svetlova’s Aliyah Story
In this video (05:40), in Hebrew with English subtitles, Member of Knesset Ksenia Svetlova tells the story of her aliyah to Israel from the USSR following a rise in antisemitism,
The Challenges & Influence of Israel’s Russian Immigrants
This CNN news segment (02:33) explores Israel’s large community of immigrants from Russian, including the economic and social challenges they face and the major influence they have had on Israeli
The Challenges Facing French Immigrants to Israel
In wake of the massive aliyah of Jews from France in recent years, this i24NEWS segment (04:53) explores the challenges facing French immigrants in their new home, including economic hardships,
With These Hands: Stories of Israel’s Heroic Immigrants
This short video produced for Israel’s 68th birthday tells the stories of the everyday heroes that build Israel’s unique society, from war hero and farmer to teacher and midwife. Celebrating
Rabbi Sharon Shalom: The First Ethiopian Rabbi in the State of Israel
In this dramatic video (04:17), Rabbi Sharon Shalom tells the story of his harrowing journey to Israel through Sudan in 1982, as part of the exodus of the Beta Israel
Meski Shibru: The First Ethiopian Actress in Israel
In this video (03:19) produced by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israeli actress and singer, Meski Shibur, tells the story of her Aliyah to Israel, including the challenges of
Israel’s Diverse Population: Challenges & Successes
This informative video (06:12) explores the experiences of Israel’s diverse immigrant population, with a focus on the Jewish immigrants from Ethiopia and the USSR and non-Jewish economic migrants and refugees
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Ehud Banai: Black Work
This 1980s protest song by Ehud Banai expresses the challenges and discrimination facing the Ethiopian community in Israel. To see the full Hebrew and English lyrics, click here.
Shlomo Gronich: Israeli Song
This upbeat song by iconic Israeli artist Shlomo Gronich celebrates how Jews from all over the world contributed their unique cultures and traditions in the creation of a new Israeli
Ein Li Eretz Acheret / I Have No Other Country: An Iconic Zionist Song
Written by Israeli singer-songwriter Corinne Allal in 1989, during the First Intifada, this moving song, performed here by Gali Atari, expresses the eternal Jewish connection and commitment to the land and
Yiddish Tango During World War II
As tango gained popularity during the 1930s, Jewish musicians in Eastern Europe began fusing traditional Jewish music with modern tango, giving rise to Yiddish Tango. This music was popular before
Holocaust Requiem
The above video [06:00] includes the music and narrative from Zlata Razdolina’s Holocaust Requiem– an orchestral adaptation of Itzhak Katzenelson’s well-known poem, “Song of the Murdered Jewish People.” This depiction
Yiddish Theater in the Vilna Ghetto
“Yisrolik,” created by writer Leyb Rozental and composer Misha Veksler, reflects the resilient spirit of the Jews of Vilna. Though most of the Vilna Jews were murdered in the horrific
The Jewish Partisans’ Song: A Tribute to the Heroic Jews of the Holocaust
The Jewish Partisans’ Song, « Zog Nit Keynmol » (Never Say), was written in 1943 by Hirsch Glick in the Vilna Ghetto. Inspired by the courageous Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,
A Song from Theresienstadt
Gideon Klein, the composer of this choral piece, “Spruch” (Verdict), wrote it while in Theresienstadt, a transit camp for Czech Jews before they were carted off to the extermination camps.
HaDag Nachash: The Sticker Song (with educational guide)
Released in 2004, amidst the Second Intifada, this hip-hop song is a collection of Israeli bumper stickers representing the full spectrum of religious and political ideologies that make up Israel’s diverse and often
Exploring Jewish Peoplehood Through Hannukah Songs
This educational resource compares the Hebrew, English and Yiddish versions of popular Hannukah songs « Chanukah Oh Chanukah » and « Mi Yimallel / Who Can Retell? », exploring what the differences in translation
Marina Maximilian: 1990
This moving song by Marina Maximilian describes the experience of immigrants to Israel from the Soviet Union in the nineties. Entitled « 1990, » in reference to the year in which she
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Janusz Korczak: Excerpts and Beliefs
This is a collection of quotes from Janusz Korczak’s writings, which illustrate his beliefs about children and their place in the world. Korczak’s unique and pioneering contributions not only helped
Children in the Holocaust
This comprehensive article from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum includes pictures and testimonies from those who survived the Holocaust as children.Tragically, 1.5 million children (1 million of whom were
Roman Vishniak’s Photographs of Jewish Life in Eastern Europe Before the Holocaust
These photographs, taken by the renowned Jewish photographer Roman Vishniac (1897-1990) and curated by Maya Benton, reveal glimpses of pre-war Jewish life in Eastern Europe. Vishniac was commissioned by the
The Spiritual Heroism of the Jews in the Holocaust
Itzhak Katznelson (1886-1944) was an accomplished dramatist, poet, and teacher. While living in the Warsaw Ghetto, he wrote over 40 works, including “The Song of the Radzyn Rebbe,” (1942-1943), which emphasizes the
Janusz Korczak, a Champion of Children’s Rights
Janusz Korczak dedicated his life to helping children, he directed the Dom Sierot Orphanage, was a pediatrician, teacher, and authored books for and about children. Among his writings are his
Itzhak Katzenelson’s « Song of the Murdered Jewish People »
Itzhak Kazenelson (1886-1944) was a teacher, dramatist, and author of Hebrew and Yiddish Poetry. A pioneering maskil, he opened a secular Jewish school and a Hebrew theater group in Lodz.
The Auschwitz Album
The Auschwitz Album is the only existing visual evidence of the complete process of genocide of the Jews at Auschwitz. The photos depict the Jews’ arrival to the death camp,
Henryk Ross: A Jewish Photographer in the Lodz Ghetto
This video [04:01] illustrates the pivotal historical role of Henryk Ross, a Jew hired to be the official photographer of the Lodz ghetto. His job was to take identification photos
A Moving Violin Performance in Auschwitz
This video from Aish recounts the dramatic story of Prisoner Srebrenik’s captivating violin performance in Auschwitz. For some inexplicable reason, this time the Nazi soldiers allowed the Jewish musician to
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#VoteDiaspora: A Campaign Encouraging Israelis to Consider Diaspora Jewry
Produced by Gesher, an NGO that works to bridge gaps among Jewish communities, this video (0:33) features young Jews from around the world urging Israeli voters to take the relationship
The J Street Challenge (Trailer)
This trailer (03:00) introduces « The J Street Challenge: The Seductive Allure of Peace in Our Time, » a documentary about the role of the controversial liberal organization in the American Jewish community.
Israel-Diaspora Couples Counseling Skit
This amateur skit (06:09) by the Israel Government Fellows staff at the Begin Center discusses the central issues of Israel-Diaspora Relations through a creative couples counselling session between a man and woman,
Israel & the Diaspora: We Need to Talk
Produced by The Jewish Federations of North America, this promotional video (0:33) invites people to join the 2018 General Assembly Conference, which brought Jewish leaders from around the world to discuss
Distant Relatives: Exploring Israel & Jewish American Relations
In this unique journalistic project, Makor Rishon correspondent Zvika Klein explores Israel and Jewish American relations through interviews with Israeli and American Jewish political, religious, cultural and community leaders from
Ministry of Diaspora Affairs: Creating a Common Jewish Future
Narrated by Naftali Bennett, Minister of Diaspora Affairs from 2013 to 2019, this animated video (02:12) describes Israel’s commitment to the future and prosperity of Jews around the world and the strengthening
Ethiopian Jews Celebrate Sigd in Jerusalem
Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short news segment (02:26) introduces the ancient Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd, which symbolizes the acceptance of the Torah and yearning for Jerusalem. Filmed
Unity: A Resource for Hanukkah from Limmud
Created by the Limmud Chavruta Program for Hanukkah, this 4-page long document contains sources that explore the complex concept of unity in Jewish tradition, including traditional Jewish texts, modern quotes, and references
Historical Memory & Jewish Peoplehood
This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides a wide range of resources exploring the intersection of historical memory and Jewish peoplehood, including quotes
Kol Ami B’Seder: The State of Israel
This educational resource by Yaara Salamon-Michaeli from the Kol Ami Jewish Peoplehood Leadership Academy provides biblical, historical and philosophical sources exploring the significance of the State of Israel in Jewish tradition and the
A Green Chariot: A Film About Russian-Israeli Identity
This dramatic clip (03:56) is from « A Green Chariot » (2005), a film about a young Russian immigrant to Israel who abandons his secular Russian identity, friends and family in
Success Stories from Generation 1.5
« The great wave of aliyah from the former Soviet Union of the late 1980s and 1990s has given rise to a new generation of Russian-speaking Israelis, confident and comfortable in
With These Hands: Stories of Israel’s Heroic Immigrants
This short video produced for Israel’s 68th birthday tells the stories of the everyday heroes that build Israel’s unique society, from war hero and farmer to teacher and midwife. Celebrating
An Art Exhibit Revealing Tales of Soviet Immigration to Israel
This i24NEWS segment (05:11) showcases an art exhibit at the Israel Museum that explores the challenges experienced by Soviet immigrants to Israel. The artist, Zoya Cherkassy, uses pop art and