This original poem by Gila Gevirtz is inspired by the tradition of singing Shalom Aleichem to the ministering angels that come to bless Jewish homes on Friday evening. Gevirtz, a published author of Jewish-themed children’s books, likens God’s love upon reflecting on the world each Shabbat to that of a mother looking at her child. Whereas Shalom Aleichem is traditionally seen as our welcoming blessing to the angels, the author suggests that it is also God’s blessing to the angels, as S/He bids them to go bless the rest of Creation. This poem was shared on Ritualwell, a project of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College that provides a platform for creating new Jewish practices and observances.
Like a Mother ever-awed …
Like a mother ever-awed by the beauty of her child,
God sees the goodness of Creation.
Overflowing with love,
God takes pleasure in riding the crests of the great ocean waves
and smelling the blossoms of spring’s bouquet.
God rejoices in each species and the sanctity of its work–
the cows whose udders fill with milk,
the bees that make sweet amber flow,
trees that hold both nest and fruit,
and humans who till the soil, weave cloth,
rear their young and care for their elders.
And on the Sabbath–the Day of Rest–
God bids the angels bless Creation,
saying « Shalom aleichem. May peace be with you. »