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Avec/ Israël au séminaire des éducateurs
Le séminaire international des éducateurs du KKL-JNF a permis de faire se rencontrer des dizaines d’enseignants et de directeurs d’écoles ainsi que d’instituts d’éducation non conventionnels dans les communautés juives
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Conference Content 2019
Please Click the links below to watch the Conference Content: Jerusalem Tel Aviv: The First Hebrew City Acre – Akko Sderot & Gaza Envelope The Be’er Sheva Park Ammunition Hill Yad
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Apprentissage en Ligne
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Who Controls Christianity’s Holiest Church?
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the main attractions for Christian tourists visiting Jerusalem. Located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City, it is believed to
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Traditional Ashkenazi Sheva Brachot (Audio & Text)
This video presents the Sheva Brachot – the Seven Blessings from the Nissuin (Nuptials) portion of the Jewish wedding ceremony – sung to a traditional celebratory Ashkenazi tune at a
A Sephardic Piyut for the Eve of Yom Ha’atzmaut
This video presents Rabbi Moshe Elcharar singing a piyut (hymn) written by Rabbi Joseph Messas following Israel’s victory in the Six Day War in 1967. It is recited in some
The Traditional Prayer for IDF Soldiers
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer,
The Traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Prayer for Peace
This post presents the Hebrew and English text for a prayer for peace in Israel around the world that is attributed to Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1773-1810), the founder of the
Ehud Banai Singing Benzion Shekner’s Melody for Psalm 23
In this audio recording, popular Israeli singer, Ehud Banai sings Psalm 23 using the famous melody composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1946. Psalm 23 – Mizmor l’David / A
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Top 18 Things to Do in Haifa for Free
This article from ISRAEL21c presents a roundup of the best free attractions that Haifa has to offer, including holy shrines and places of worship, beautiful views, gardens and beaches, museums and
Creative & Personal Alternative Tenaim Texts
This post provides links to several different texts of the « tenaim » document, each reflecting the personal values and visions of their authors. This document traditionally outlines the conditions of the
Halachic Prenuptial Agreement
This post includes information about the Halachic Prenuptial Agreement, including a short video from ORA: The Organization for the Resolution of Agunot encouraging the widespread use of this legal document, as well as
A Rabbi Blesses the Children of his Congregation
In this short recording, Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove of Park Avenue (Conservative) Synagogue in New York City blesses the children in his congregation with the blessing traditionally said by parents on Friday night.
Rituels et Cérémonies
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Traditional Ashkenazi Sheva Brachot (Audio & Text)
This video presents the Sheva Brachot – the Seven Blessings from the Nissuin (Nuptials) portion of the Jewish wedding ceremony – sung to a traditional celebratory Ashkenazi tune at a
Alternative English Sheva Brachot Texts
This post presents three alternative English adaptations of the Sheva Brachot – the Seven Blessings from the Nissuin (Nuptials) portion of the Jewish wedding ceremony. The first, Alternate Seven Blessings,
A Traditional Same-Sex Jewish Wedding Ceremony
This 27 page PDF document provides a thorough exploration of the issue of same-sex marriages in Judaism, as well as a step-by-step explanation of each part of the wedding with
Traditional & Modern Erusin/Betrothal Blessing
In this post, Reconstrucitonist Rabbi Jeremy Schwartz presents both the traditional « Erusin » blessing for the « betrothal » portion of the Jewish wedding ceremony, followed by his adapted version. While he takes issue
Family Prayers for a Bedecken Ceremony
This post presents a « bedecken » ceremony in which the family of the bride and groom each bless their child separately, and then the officiating rabbi blesses the couple. Written by Rabbi
Ketubah Texts from Across the Jewish Spectrum
This 22 page long PDF document includes a variety of different Ketubah (marriage contract) texts in Hebrew and English from across the Jewish ideological spectrum, including the traditional Aramaic Ketubah,
Outline for a Reform Jewish Marriage Ceremony
This informative article from ReformJudaism.org provides information about Reform Jewish marriage ceremonies, including explanations of wedding day rituals and the English translation of some of the relevant blessings recited throughout the ceremony.
Pre-Wedding Mikveh Immersion Ceremonies for Bride & Groom
This post provides the outline and texts for a ceremony for brides and grooms who wish to immerse in a mivkeh (ritual bath) prior to their wedding. Whereas women are
A Bride’s Prayer in English
This post provides the English translation of one example of a « Birkat Kallah, » a prayer traditionally recited by the bride following the “bedeken” veiling ceremony, before walking down the aisle.
The Spiritual Journey of Kiddushin: Outline of a Renewal Wedding Ceremony
Both practical and profound, this 10 page booklet written by Renewal Rabbi Marcia Prager provides an explanation of each step of the « spiritual journey » that is a Jewish wedding ceremony. Reflecting
Orthodox Israeli Wedding Customs
This 6 minute long video introduces the customs of an Orthodox Israeli wedding, with explanatory text appearing over video footage of the various parts of the wedding ceremony. Despite the fact
Tenaim: The Engagement Contract (Introduction & Traditional Texts)
This post introduces a custom called « tenaim, » the signing of a document which outlines the conditions of the marriage and declares the couple’s intention to wed. The signing ceremony, often followed
Creative & Personal Alternative Tenaim Texts
This post provides links to several different texts of the « tenaim » document, each reflecting the personal values and visions of their authors. This document traditionally outlines the conditions of the
A Traditional Jewish Marriage Ceremony (Outline & Texts)
This article provides an outline of the entire traditional Jewish marriage ceremony, including explanations of the various customs as well as the Hebrew and English texts of the relevant blessings.
The Evolution of the Ketubah + A Variety of Different Ketubah Texts
This 7 minute long video from Ketubah.com shows how the traditional Jewish marriage contract has evolved to reflect the values of modern streams of Judaism, embrace different types of relationships,
Halachic Prenuptial Agreement
This post includes information about the Halachic Prenuptial Agreement, including a short video from ORA: The Organization for the Resolution of Agunot encouraging the widespread use of this legal document, as well as
Prayer for the Peace of Israel During Wartime
This prayer for the peace of Israel during wartime was written by the late Rabbi Ron Aigen for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Rabbi Aigen was the senior rabbi of the
A Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all People
This prayer for peace and reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all people was written by Rabbi Sam Feinsmith for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. Rabbi Feinsmith is a Jewish educator, innovative prayer
An Original Yom Ha’atzmaut Amidah Prayer for Justice & Peace
This post offers 19 original prayers for Israel, based on the themes and structure of the 19-part Amidah prayer. The prayers were compiled by T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights,
A Sephardic Piyut for the Eve of Yom Ha’atzmaut
This video presents Rabbi Moshe Elcharar singing a piyut (hymn) written by Rabbi Joseph Messas following Israel’s victory in the Six Day War in 1967. It is recited in some
Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut (English Excerpt)
This post presents an excerpt from the evening Yom Ha’atzmaut service from the Rinat Yisrael Siddur, popular among many Religious Zionist communities in Israel. A helpful guide for anyone who may be
Aharon Varady’s Earth-Centered Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of the original Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals on Yom Ha’atzmaut by Aharon Varady. The author
Reading the Israeli Declaration of Independence on Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English texts of the ritual Declaration of Independence reading suggested by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer, a musician and poet who believes that creative art is one of
A Reconstructionist Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts for the Prayer for the State of Israel from the Reconstructionist Kol Haneshama siddur. Based on the traditional prayer, this version focuses
An Amended Prayer for IDF Soldiers
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for a new version of the prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, amended by Dr. Alex Sinclair to reflect the
The Traditional Prayer for IDF Soldiers
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional prayer for the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer,
Zayit’s Yom Ha’atzmaut Kiddush (Hebrew)
This post presents the Hebrew text of a Kiddush ceremony written for Yom Ha’atzmaut by Zayit, an organization that runs programs about Jewish identity and culture in the Emek Hefer
The Traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts for the traditional Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, which is often recited in Zionist synagogues on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The prayer
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Prayer for Peace
This post presents the Hebrew and English text for a prayer for peace in Israel around the world that is attributed to Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1773-1810), the founder of the
Yom Ha’atzmaut Kiddush by Ya’akov Maoz (Hebrew)
This post presents the Hebrew text of a Kiddush ceremony written for Yom Ha’atzmaut by Ya’akov Maoz. The Kiddush expresses gratitude for the opportunity to live a Jewish life with
The Israeli Masorti Movement’s Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the Israeli Masorti Movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled
The Israel Movement for Reform & Progressive Judaism’s Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by The Israel Movement for Reform & Progressive Judaism on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled
Reform Zionist Thanksgiving Prayers for the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts of two original Thanksgiving Prayers for the State of Israel, written by Reform Zionist leaders. The first, an Al HaNissim addition to
The Religious Kibbutz Movement’s Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of the Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the Religious Kibbutz Movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled after
An American Conservative Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut (Siddur Liymot Hol )
This post presents the Hebrew and English text of an Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the American Conservative Movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut. Modeled
An American Conservative Al HaNissim Prayer for Yom Ha’atzmaut (Siddur Sim Shalom)
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated text of an Al HaNissim prayer added to the Amidah and Grace After Meals by the American Conservative movement on Yom Ha’atzmaut.
Rabbis for Human Rights: A Prayer for the State of Israel
This post presents the English and Hebrew texts of a prayer for the State of Israel that encourages people to return to the root of Yom Ha’atzmaut, and pray for the
A Reconstructionist Picnic Seder and Haggadah for Yom Ha’atzmaut
This post presents a creative Yom Ha’atzmaut ritual developed by the Reconstructionist movement, designed as a picnic seder, complete with symbolic foods, a haggadah and discussion questions. This post includes
Reconstructionist Blessings Before & After Torah Reading & the Concept of Chosenness
This short video demonstrates how to recite the blessings before and after the Torah reading according to the Reconstructionist tradition, which omits references to the Jews as the ‘Chosen People’
The « Mi Sheberach » Prayer for One Who Has an Aliyah
This post provides the Hebrew and English texts for the prayer recited for one who is called up to the Torah on Shabbat. An excerpt from a longer article from Chabad.org, this text
Reconstructionist Blessings Before & After Torah Reading with Feminine God-Language
This post presents the Hebrew, English and transliterated texts of a the blessings recited before and after the Torah reading when called up for an aliyah, using feminine God-language and omitting
Ehud Banai Singing Benzion Shekner’s Melody for Psalm 23
In this audio recording, popular Israeli singer, Ehud Banai sings Psalm 23 using the famous melody composed by Ben Zion Shenker in 1946. Psalm 23 – Mizmor l’David / A
An Original Blessing of the Children and the Parents
This video show the recitation of an original blessing for the protection and joy of families during a unique Kabbalat Shabbat ceremony at the port in Tel Aviv, when the
Be Who You Are: An Alternative Blessing Over the Children
This excerpt from Marcia Falk‘s “The Book of Blessings” offers a contemporary, open-ended text for blessing one’s children on Friday night in a way that empowers them with a sense of
Blessing Oneself on Erev Shabbat
Based on the traditional blessing over the children, this alternative blessing by Rabbi Kami Knapp encourages people to bless themselves to emulate a positive trait of a chosen role model on
Alternative Blessing for Children with Masculine and Feminine God Language
This post presents the blessing for the children using both traditional male God-language as well as feminine God-language, reflecting a blend of Jewish tradition with modern feminist approaches. The two versions of the traditional
A Rabbi Blesses the Children of his Congregation
In this short recording, Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove of Park Avenue (Conservative) Synagogue in New York City blesses the children in his congregation with the blessing traditionally said by parents on Friday night.
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Découvrir les Pratiques Traditionnelles
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A Traditional Jewish Marriage Ceremony (Outline & Texts)
This article provides an outline of the entire traditional Jewish marriage ceremony, including explanations of the various customs as well as the Hebrew and English texts of the relevant blessings.
The Evolution of the Ketubah + A Variety of Different Ketubah Texts
This 7 minute long video from Ketubah.com shows how the traditional Jewish marriage contract has evolved to reflect the values of modern streams of Judaism, embrace different types of relationships,
Halachic Prenuptial Agreement
This post includes information about the Halachic Prenuptial Agreement, including a short video from ORA: The Organization for the Resolution of Agunot encouraging the widespread use of this legal document, as well as
Reconstructionist Blessings Before & After Torah Reading & the Concept of Chosenness
This short video demonstrates how to recite the blessings before and after the Torah reading according to the Reconstructionist tradition, which omits references to the Jews as the ‘Chosen People’
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