Le Mur Occidental

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What is the Western Wall?

What is the Western Wall?

This short introductory video briefly summarizes the historical and religious significance of the Western Wall, the holiest site in Jewish tradition, also mentioning its role in modern political and religious

An Archaeological Approach to the Significance of the Western Wall & The Temple Mount

An Archaeological Approach to the Significance of the Western Wall & The Temple Mount

In this informative video (4:50), Ze’ev Orenstein, the Director of International Affairs at the City of David, presents the historical and biblical significance of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount. Filmed

Six Reasons Why The Western Wall Is Holy

Six Reasons Why The Western Wall Is Holy

This article from Aish.com provides historical and spiritual reasons for why the Western Wall is a holy site in Jewish tradition. Among the explanations provided, Rabbi Shraga Simmons says that the Western Wall is the site

The Battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War: Survival of a Nation

The Battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War: Survival of a Nation

Produced by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, this moving video (08:29) tells the story of Israel’s 1967 battles for Jerusalem and the ensuing liberation of the Old City and the Western

The Significance of the Temple Mount in Judaism, Islam & Christianity

The Significance of the Temple Mount in Judaism, Islam & Christianity

In this simple video (05:10), archaeology student and Jerusalem tour guide, Nir Ortal, outlines the significance of the Temple Mount in each of the three Abrahamic religious, explaining when and

BBC Archives: Tensions in Jerusalem Following the Six Day War

BBC Archives: Tensions in Jerusalem Following the Six Day War

From the archives of the BBC, this video (03:20) presents the tensions in Jerusalem immediately following the Six Day War. The video presents the psychological effect of Israel’s unification of Jerusalem and

The Ancient Significance of Mount Moriah

The Ancient Significance of Mount Moriah

This article briefly lists some of the ancient biblical stories that allegedly took place on Mount Moriah (later known as the Temple Mount), according to Jewish tradition. Although the Torah

Sacred Siteseeing: A Virtual Tour of the Western Wall

Sacred Siteseeing: A Virtual Tour of the Western Wall

In this video (5:15) from Chabad.org, tour guide, Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, takes viewers on a virtual tour of the Western Wall, the Southern Wall Excavations and the Western Wall tunnels,

Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook: Behind Our Wall

Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook: Behind Our Wall

An English translation of an excerpt from an article written by Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook in 1937, this piece describes the Western Wall as a symbol of the eternal nature

Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall

Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall

In this post from JewishAnswers.org, Rabbi David Stadley (Orthodox) answers the question of what prayers should be said at the Western Wall. While mentioning that it is a special place

The Battles of the Paratroopers in the Six Day War

The Battles of the Paratroopers in the Six Day War

From the official website of Ammunition Hill, this link provides detailed information about the role of the Paratrooper Brigade during the Six Day War, including the conquest of Ammunition Hill

Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: « The Temple Mount is in Our Hands »

Footage from the Liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in 1967: « The Temple Mount is in Our Hands »

This short video from the Israel Defense Forces presents actual footage from the historic moment when Israeli soldiers overcame Arab troops and reached the Western Wall during the Six Day

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Cette chanson Israélienne populaire écrite par Naomi Shemer décrit les aspirations séculaires du Peuple Juif en vue de son retour ultime à Jérusalem. Publiée trois semaines seulement avant le début

Miri Israeli: HaKotel (The Western Wall)

Miri Israeli: HaKotel (The Western Wall)

Written by American-born Israeli artist, Miri Israeli, this emotive song describes the Western Wall as a place where one can come for sincere prayer that will raise to the heavens.

Yossi Gamzu: The Kotel (The Western Wall)

Yossi Gamzu: The Kotel (The Western Wall)

Written by Israeli lyricist Yossi Gamzu and performed by Israeli singer Ofra Haza, the song HaKotel conveys the significance of the Western Wall by the stories of three people who pray there:

L’Shana Haba’ah: Next Year in Jerusalem

L’Shana Haba’ah: Next Year in Jerusalem

This song captures the eternal Jewish hope and prayer for the return to Jerusalem. Even though the Jewish people have technically returned to the city of Jerusalem, this song is still

Singing Ani Ma’amin at the Western Wall on Tisha B’Av

Singing Ani Ma’amin at the Western Wall on Tisha B’Av

This video shows thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall on Tisha B’av singing Ani Ma’amin (I Believe), a song about the Jewish belief in the coming of the Messiah.

The Shira Chadasha Boys Choir: Psalm 125:1-2

The Shira Chadasha Boys Choir: Psalm 125:1-2

This music video features the Shira Chadasha Boys Choir’s song about Jerusalem, an emotive melody for Psalm 125:1-2. These verses, presented below in Hebrew and English, compare God’s devotion to His people

Women of the Wall: Can’t Keep Quiet

Women of the Wall: Can’t Keep Quiet

Created by the Women of the Wall, this music video puts footage from the organization’s controversial monthly Rosh Chodesh minyan at the Western Wall to the backdrop of « Quiet » by MILCK,

Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day

Yaakov Shwekey at the Western Wall on Jerusalem Day

This video presents snippets from the concert of the well-known Jewish musical entertainer, Yaakov Shwekey, at the Western Wall on Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) in 2017. The Jerusalem Flag Parade takes place

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom Ha’atzmaut liturgy was written by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in 1949,

Sabaton: Counterstrike – A Heavy Metal Song About the Six Day War

Sabaton: Counterstrike – A Heavy Metal Song About the Six Day War

This video presents a song about the Six Day War by Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band who’s songs recount historical battles. The lyrics, provided below, tell the story of

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom Ha’atzmaut liturgy was written by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in 1949,

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Quoi d’Autre ?

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Haim Hefer: The Paratroopers Are Crying

Haim Hefer: The Paratroopers Are Crying

In this moving poem, Israeli songwriter, poet and writer, Haim Hefer, poetically describes the historic moment of the liberation of the Western Wall by Israeli paratroopers in the Six Day War

Prayers Ascend to Heaven at the Western Wall

Prayers Ascend to Heaven at the Western Wall

Through beautiful imagery and animation, this video conveys the power of prayer, depicting the traditional Jewish belief that prayers of all types from all around the world ascend to heaven

Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967

Quotes from Israeli Leaders Upon the Liberation of the Western Wall in 1967

An excerpt from a longer article about the liberation of the Western Wall in the Six Day War in 1967 and the Israeli commitment to preserving freedom of worship for

A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem

A Selection of Yehuda Amichai’s Poems About Jerusalem

This post offers the English translation of a selection of poems about Jerusalem, written by the iconic poet, Yehuda Amichai, who spent much of his life in the city. Some of

The Story Behind the Six Day War’s Most Famous Photo

The Story Behind the Six Day War’s Most Famous Photo

Produced by the Christian Broadcasting Network, this short interview (04:26) with photographer David Rubinger reveals the story behind the iconic picture of the Six Day War of three paratroopers in front of

The Western Wall: A Poem

The Western Wall: A Poem

This poem by Anthony Shacknofsky conveys the significance of the Western Wall through a poetic summary of the history of this sacred site, from the days of the Temple, through destruction

Trailer for « In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem »

Trailer for « In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem »

This video (1:31) is a trailer for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s documentary, “In Our Hands,” which tells the story of the battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War. Combining dramatic

Tzelofhad’s Daughters: A Feminist Poem About the Western Wall

Tzelofhad’s Daughters: A Feminist Poem About the Western Wall

This thought provoking poem by progressive Jewish feminist, Abby Caplin, draws a parallel between the biblical Daughters of Tzelofhad and the modern Women of the Wall. Both groups fight for gender equality

Celebrities Visit the Western Wall

Celebrities Visit the Western Wall

This simple video is a slideshow of photographs of famous people visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem, including political leaders such as Barack Obama, George Bush, and Bill Clinton, religious leaders

Live Stream of the Western Wall

Live Stream of the Western Wall

This link opens up the Western Wall camera from Aish.com, where people from all over the world can see a live stream of one of the world’s holiest sites from

Australian Students Visit the Western Wall for the First Time

Australian Students Visit the Western Wall for the First Time

This moving video captures the moment that 29 Jewish high school students from Australia visit the Western Wall for the first time, after learning and dreaming about it for 16

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Rituels et Cérémonies

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The Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall

The Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall

This short video (4:08) shows tens of thousands of worshippers gathered together at the Western Wall for the Birkat Kohanim, the Priestly Blessing, when Kohanim chant three consecutive verses of the Torah,

Prayer for the Rebuilding of the Temple After Candle Lighting

Prayer for the Rebuilding of the Temple After Candle Lighting

There is a custom to recite this prayer for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem after making the blessing over the Shabbat candles. This is the same prayer that

5 Psalms to Recite at the Western Wall

5 Psalms to Recite at the Western Wall

Although there are no specific prayers that must be said at the Western Wall, there are several chapters of Psalms that some have come to recite at this holy site

Selichot at the Western Wall

Selichot at the Western Wall

This short video shows thousands of Jews gathering together for the final night of Selichot prayers before Yom Kippur at the Western Wall. The penitential prayers are traditionally recited between

Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall

Mourning Rituals at the Western Wall

In this post from JewishAnswers.org, Rabbi David Stadley (Orthodox) answers the question of what prayers should be said at the Western Wall. While mentioning that it is a special place

A Traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall

A Traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall

This 7:40 minute long video presents highlights from a traditional Sephardic Bar Mitzvah ceremony at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The Bar Mitzvah boy can be seen praying, reading from the

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom Ha’atzmaut liturgy was written by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in 1949,

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

Orthodox Evening Prayer Service for Yom Ha’atzmaut

This PDF booklet contains an Orthodox evening service for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Hebrew and English. Although the basis for the Yom Ha’atzmaut liturgy was written by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate in 1949,

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Découvrir les Pratiques Traditionnelles

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How to Visit Jerusalem’s Western Wall

How to Visit Jerusalem’s Western Wall

This video offers six steps for visiting the Western Wall, including tips for appropriate dress and behavior, what to call the site, and popular customs for what to do once

How To Visit the Western Wall

How To Visit the Western Wall

This useful article offers 8 practical tips for visiting the Western Wall, from when to go, how to get there, what to wear, and what to do once you arrive.

How Jews Pray

How Jews Pray

In this short video, Jews of different backgrounds share their personal approaches and questions about prayer and what makes them feel connected. Many of those interviewed acknowledge some of the

How to Pray: 9 Tips for Beginners to Jewish Prayer

How to Pray: 9 Tips for Beginners to Jewish Prayer

This article by Rabbi Ruth Adar from ReformJudaism.org provides advice and tips for those who are new to Jewish prayer and may be concerned about not understanding the words, customs

How to Visit the Western Wall With Kids

How to Visit the Western Wall With Kids

This useful article provides practical tips and tricks for a successful visit to the Western Wall with children, from how to provide age appropriate background to kids of different ages

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